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Preparatory Meeting

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The town of Plovdiv

Dobri Voinikov School - Sofia, Bulgaria

Project meting - Sofia, October 16 - 20

Our visit to Plovdiv in photos


35 SOU "D. Voinikov", Sofia, Bulgaria

Preparatory meeting: Birmingham, January 20 - January 23, 2006

Host: All Saints School, West Bromwich, England

Mr Stan Martin, the project coordinator and head teacher of All Saints Primary school organized the meeting and welcomed all the participants.

The participants in the project meeting:

1. All Saints Primary school, West Bromwich.

2. Aintree Davenhill Primary school, Liverpool.

3. 35 SOU "Dobri Voinikov", Sofia, Bulgaria.

4. ...., Istanbul, Turkey

Project work

On Saturday, January 21, we idscussed the application form in detail, decided on the concrete activities to be done during the first year and distributed the responsibilities. The result is the application form we have all handed to our National Agencies.

Round the school

Our hosts showed us round the school and told us about the teaching process in England, their findings and achievement.

The school yard

There were no pupils in the school yard because it was Saturday, but the school has a big yard with lots of things to do in it.


The Thematic Approach

In All Saints school and Aintree Davenhill school the teachers believe that the thematic approach in teaching of primary school pupils results in better attainments and sustainable development. This year's topic is Cinderella and the learn everything through her story.





The teachers from All Saints School

A friendly and enthusiastic group of teachers came to meet us and we spent a lovely evening at a Chinese restaurant. We ate and drank and laughed so much that it was difficult to go back home.

The friendly staff